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This website provides concise information on wages, working conditions and rights of construction workers for all the European Countries in all the European languages. Construction workers can find useful links and contacts of trade unions representatives ready to help and support them in case of need.


Last updated on 4/18/2024
View all currencies in Romanian leu (RON)

Minimum gross wage

4.582 RON per month

Salary per category


4,582 RON per month


4,582 RON per month


4,582 RON per month


4,582 RON per month

Beginners / young workers

4,582 RON per month


4,582 RON per month


8 hours


40 hours


4 hours per day
8 hours per week (exceptionally a working week can be over 48 hours, but the average over a 4-month period must be 48 hours/week)
average 48 hours / week hours per trimester
average 48 hours / week hours per semester
average 48 hours / week hours per year



Daily - minimum 12 hours, and exceptionally 8 hours on shift change; for 12 hours of work minimum 24 hours of rest.

Weekly - minimum 48 hours Monday to Sunday.


after 6 hours of work
Part of standard working time (by collective agreement)
Paid (by collective agreement)

Special conditions

6 7 hours per day
30 35 hours per week
average 48 hours / week per trimester
average 48 hours / week per semester
average 48 hours / week per year

Within Romania

Travel allowance

The accommodation is provided by the employer and cannot be deducted from the salary.
Not applicable to posted workers

Meal allowance

Meal-ticket system

Accommodation allowance

Accommodation provided
When in an unusual workplace, the accommodation is provided by the employer and it cannot be deducted from the salary.
Not applicable to posted workers

Subsistence/daily allowance

An average of 35 EUR
When it is an unusual workplace, the level is established only for the public sector. For the private sector the level is negotiable.
For posted workers
If expenses for meals, accommodation or transport are not paid, they can be added to the country of origin wage if it is compliant with the minimum wage level in Romania.


75 % of salary per hour

Night work

From 10:00 pm to 6:00 am
25 % of salary per hour

Working on Saturdays

Allowed within 5 days/week working time
Negotiable in collective agreements

Working on Sundays

Allowed within 5 days/week working time
Negotiable in collective agreements

Working on public holidays

Mandatory for utility services and supplying basic necessities
Allowed for activities that cannot be stopped
100 % of salary per hour

Shift work

Negotiable in collective agreements

Hazardous work

Negotiable in collective agreements
Not applicable to posted workers

Standby pay

Not applicable

Annual holidays allowance

Not applicable

13th month

Not applicable

14th month

Not applicable

Additional wage components

Not applicable


75 % of salary
For posted workers
Not specifically included in the minimum wage concept, but a minimum percentage is mandatory as stipulated in the Labour Code.

Number of holidays

20 days per year at least 10 consecutive days.

Public holidays

1st and 2nd January
24 January
First and second Easter
1st May (Labour day)
1 June
First and second Whitsuntide Day
Virgin Mary's day (8th August)
Saint Andrew the Apostle's day (30th November)
1st December (Romanian National Day)
First and second Christmas Day
Two days for each of the three religious holidays for the legally recognized religions other than Christian

Social security contributions

25 % for pensions
10 % for health
Not applicable to posted workers

Additional social security insurance

For posted workers
paid in the country of origin

Income tax

10 %


75 % in case of sickness *
100 % in case of medical emergencies or other special diseases
* From first to fifth day paid by the employer
* No longer than 183 days/year
For posted workers
it depends on the sending country

Work injuries/accidents

100 %
From first to fifth day paid by the employer;
No longer than 183 days/year.
For posted workers
it depends on the sending country

Info Contacts

Labour Inspection (Inspecţia Muncii)

Tel. +40213027031; +40213027051; +40213027086
You can contact us in the following languages
English, Romanian

Territorial labour inspectorate, for every county (Inspectoratul Teritorial de Muncă)

Here, with one click you can choose the county where you want to contact the Territorial Labour Inspectorate of the chosen county.
You can contact us in the following languages
English, Romanian

The General Trade Union Federation Familia

str. Biserica Doamnei nr. 3, Sector 3, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel. +40.21.312.38.86
You can contact us in the following languages
English, Romanian

The National Trade Union Block - Blocul Naţional Sindical

Str. Turturelelor Nr. 11 A, Clădirea C, Etaj 3 Sector 3, București, România
Tel. +40213162798, +40213162799
You can contact us in the following languages
English, Romanian