This website provides concise information on wages, working conditions and rights of construction workers for all the European Countries in all the European languages. Construction workers can find useful links and contacts of trade unions representatives ready to help and support them in case of need.
Working time may vary between one company and another. One can work more hours in winter to make up for less hours in summer or vice versa (Banking Hours).
per day
(the number of hours worked in a day including overtime should not exceed two 8 hour shifts. minimum obligatory overtime is 2 hours. there should be 11 hours of rest daily)
per week
(inclusive of overtime. more is at the employee’s discretion)
Break times vary between one company and another.
Not part of standard working time
Not paid
unless otherwise agreed in a collective agreement
Special conditions
Max number of hours are as per Health and Safety regulations applicable by law.
More days may be granted if agreed in the Collective Agreement
Medical certificate issued every 6 days during the illness by a general practitioner sent to the Social security department with a copy to the employer.