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This website provides concise information on wages, working conditions and rights of construction workers for all the European Countries in all the European languages. Construction workers can find useful links and contacts of trade unions representatives ready to help and support them in case of need.


Last updated on 1/5/2022
View all currencies in Euro (€)

Minimum gross wage

13.048 EUR per hour for unskilled workers
15.6552 EUR per hour for skilled workers

Salary per category


13.1372 EUR to 14.5396 EUR per hour : construction and civil engineering unskilled workers without any experience of construction work
15.7648 EUR per hour : construction and civil engineering novice professionals
13.046 EUR to 14.4985 EUR per hour electricians :
13.046 EUR per hour sanitation-heating-air conditioning installers :
13.046 EUR to 16.285 EUR per hour for lift professionals
13.046 EUR to 15.6552 EUR per hour tilesetters
13.046 EUR to 15.4927 EUR per hour roofing workers


15.9565 EUR to 17.5667 EUR per hour : construction and civil engineering
13.046 EUR to 16.0112 EUR per hour electricians :
15.6552 EUR to 17.1552 EUR per hour sanitation-heating-air conditioning installers :
14.6593 EUR to 20.8634 EUR per hour for lift professionals
15.8392 EUR to 17.0859 EUR per hour tilesetters
15.6552 EUR to 16.9267 EUR per hour roofing workers


20.0438 EUR per hour : construction and civil engineering
15.6552 EUR to 18.2025 EUR per hour electricians :
19.4363 EUR per hour sanitation-heating-air conditioning installers :
18.5952 EUR to 22.4737 EUR per hour for lift professionals
18.3068 EUR per hour tilesetters
18.2846 EUR to 20.6598 EUR per hour roofing workers


21.7028 EUR per hour : construction and civil engineering
15.6552 EUR to 23.8983 EUR per hour electricians :

Beginners / young workers

9.7845 to 10.4388 EUR workers under 18 years of age


8 hours


40 hours


10 hours per day
48 hours per week



30 minutes
Not paid
Paid breaks :
Construction and civil engineering : 15 minutes with minimum 9 working hours
Roofing workers : 15 minutes

Within Luxembourg

Travel allowance

- Construction and civil engineering: Employer organizes transport of workers from home to construction sites
- Other: when use of private car, the firm pays an allowance per kilometre normally limited to the distance between the firm headquarters and the work site.

Accommodation allowance

Only for work abroad
Work abroad: normally >50 km from the border and/or when the employer cannot provide the transport

Subsistence/daily allowance

744 EUR per day for work abroad
Work abroad: normally >50 km from the border


40 % per hour
Overtime remains exceptional (urgent repair work, urgent work with concrete, inconvenient sites for other workers, plant production and traffic circulation). HR has to agree. Work Labour inspectorate and social insurance must be informed in case of overtime work on Sunday, public holidays and night work.

Night work

From 10:00 pm to 6:00 am
50 % per hour
After 5 day(s) : 20 % per hour - on a regular planning

Working on Sundays

100 % per hour

Working on public holidays

100 % per hour
Bank holiday worked must be compensated by another vacation day

Hazardous work

0.5 EUR per hour - construction and civil engineering
10 % per hour - painters
Construction and civil engineering: dirty works, on water and with important level of mud, suspended scaffold higher >15m from the ground, use of hydraulic hammers in excavators and pneumatic picks with more than 15kg, shafts and tunnels with openings under 1m and deeper than 3.6m and ADR transport.

Painters: varnishing with spray, use of hazardous chemicals, sandblasting, working outside without scaffold at a height >6m or painting façades with sliding ladders except paint of windows and window shutters.

Standby pay

Lift professionals: 2.9994 €/day - 6.4079 €/day (Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays) indexed
Sanitation-heating-air conditioning installers: negotiated with the employee
Lift professionals: standby limit of 128 hours/week.

Additional wage components

Construction and civil engineering : 5 % of gross salary
Painters, lift professionals: 5 % of gross salary
Electricians : 2 % of gross salary
Roofing workers : 2.5 to 5 % of gross salary (depending on the seniority in the firm)
Sanitation-heating-air conditioning installers : 2 to 5 % of gross salary (depending on the seniority in the firm)
Tilesetters 150 EUR per year as equipment allowance
Paid on december


80 % for hours not recovered before the end of the month
For the first 16 hours the employer is in charge. For the rest, the State takes the responsibility of the payment

Number of holidays

26 days per year
27 days in construction and civil engineering
26 to 29 days for lift professionals

Public holidays

10 days
1st January
Easter Monday
1st May
Ascension Day
Whit Monday
23rd June
15th August
1st November
25th and 26th December

Social security contributions

2.8 % for health insurance
8 % for pension insurance
1.4 % for health care insurance

Income tax

0 to 40 % according to the tax class and the position of the income value in the official tax scale
0.5 % temporary tax to balance the state budget
Class 1: especially singles and unmarried.
Class 1a: long-term widows/widowers, employees with dependent child/ren, seniors, non-residents in the country if one of spouses realizes a professional income in Luxembourg.
Class 2: couples collectively taxed, widows/widowers and divorced/separated for less than 3 years, non-residents in the country if 50% of income of the family is realized in Luxembourg.


100 %
77 days at charge of the employer (reference period of 12 months) based on the higher salary of the 3 months before the Sick Leave.
After the 77th day, the National Health Fund pay the Sick Leave until a limit of 52 weeks per period of 104 weeks).

Work injuries/accidents

100 %
77 days at charge of the employer (reference period of 12 months) based on the higher salary of the 3 months before the Sick Leave.
After the 77th day, the National Health Fund pays the Sick Leave up to a limit of 52 weeks per period of 104 weeks).

Info Contacts

Hotline OGBL

Tel. +352 26543 777
You can contact us in the following languages
German, French, Portuguese