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This website provides concise information on wages, working conditions and rights of construction workers for all the European Countries in all the European languages. Construction workers can find useful links and contacts of trade unions representatives ready to help and support them in case of need.


Last updated on 6/1/2022
View all currencies in Hungarian forint (HUF)

Minimum gross wage

There are no regional differences, all wages are minimum wages

Salary per category


200,000 HUF per month
1,150 HUF per hour


260,000 HUF monthly
1,495 HUF per hour


Min 4 max 12 hours per day


40 hours per week


300 hours per year
Daily working time cannot be longer than 12 hours. At least 11 hours of rest has to be ensured between shifts.



20 minutes after 6 hours of work
25 minutes after 9 hours of work
Minimal time, it can be longer as per contract agreements


Included in rest
Not part of standard working time
Not paid

Special conditions

36 hours per week (underground, radioactive exposure)


50 % of salary per hour

Night work

10:00 PM to 6:00 am
15 % of salary per hour

Working on Sundays

50 % of salary per hour
100 % of salary per hour if rest day

Working on public holidays

Allowed only in special cases
100 % of salary per hour

Shift work

30 % of salary per hour

Standby pay

20 % of salary per hour

Additional wage components

Not applicable


Basic wage, except in case of force majeure (for example: flooding)

Number of holidays

20 days per year
21 days from the age of 25
22 days from the age of 28
23 days from the age of 31
24 days from the age of 33
25 days from the age of 35
26 days from the age of 37
27 days from the age of 39
28 days from the age of 41
29 days from the age of 43
30 days from the age of 45
- parental leave (fathers) for childbirth: 5 days
- after children under 16:
1 – 2 days
2 – 4 days
3 or more – 7 days
- underground or radioactive exposure – 5 days

Public holidays

11 days per year
1 January
15 March
1st May
20 August
23 October
1 November
25th and 26th December
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Whit Monday

Social security contributions

18.5 %

Income tax

15 %


70 % of average salary
Max 9,180 HUF per day

Work injuries/accidents

100 % of average salary

Info Contacts


1068 Budapest
Benczúr u. 45
You can contact us in the following languages
English, Hungarian