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This website provides concise information on wages, working conditions and rights of construction workers for all the European Countries in all the European languages. Construction workers can find useful links and contacts of trade unions representatives ready to help and support them in case of need.


Last updated on 5/17/2024
View all currencies in Euro (€)

Salary per category

Novice professionals

14.74 EUR per hour
Depends on sector, see collective agreement in useful links


16.23 EUR per hour
Depends on sector, see collective agreement in useful links

Experienced professionals

17.67 EUR per hour
Depends on sector, see collective agreement in useful links

Highly experienced professionals

18.9 EUR per hour
Depends on sector, see collective agreement in useful links

Novice employees

11.94 EUR per hour
Depends on sector, see collective agreement in useful links

Employees with minimal work experience

13.45 EUR per hour
Depends on sector, see collective agreement in useful links


8 hours nationally legislated; working hours act


40 hours


250 hours per year



2 x 12 minutes


30 minutes
Not paid

Special conditions

Depends on sector, see collective agreement in useful links

Within Finland

Travel allowance

Over 5 km : 2.21 EUR per day
Over 10 km : 3.55 EUR per day
Over 20 km : 6.4 EUR per day
Over 30 km : 9.32 EUR per day
Over 40 km : 11.48 EUR per day
Over 50 km : 13.91 EUR per day
Over 60 km : 18.28 EUR per day
Over 70 km : 20.68 EUR per day
Over 80 km : 23.51 EUR per day
Over 90 km : 26.77 EUR per day
Over 100 km : 30.01 EUR per day

Meal allowance

12.75 EUR per day 2024

Accommodation allowance

Applicable - employer has to arrange and pay

Subsistence/daily allowance

48 EUR per day 2023


First 2 hours : 50 % nationally legislated; working hours act
From 3 hours : 100 %

Evening work

Allowed : it depends from sector to sector, see collective agreement

Night work

It depends from sector to sector, see collective agreement

Working on Saturdays

50 %

Working on Sundays

100 % according to law

Working on public holidays

100 %

Shift work

Allowed - depends from sector to sector

Hazardous work

Compensation can be agreed on locally

Standby pay

It depends from sector to sector, see collective agreement

Annual holidays allowance

18.5 % of gross salary
Before annual leave

Additional wage components

A personal wage element is always payable in addition to the hourly rate based on pay scale
A separate wage element of 7.7% will be included in each wage payment to compensate for working on public holidays


Unemployment compensation for not working on extremely cold days

Number of holidays

24 to 30 days per year
Law on holidays: 24 during summer, 6 during winter

Public holidays

10 days per year
New Year’s Day (1st Jan.)
Epiphany (6th January)
Good Friday
Easter Day
1st May
Ascension Day
Midsummer´s Eve
Independence Day (6th December)
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day

Social security contributions

2.43 % for illness and unemployment
7.15 % for pensions for people under 53
8.65 % for pensions for people over 53

Income tax

Is progressive depending on income


Day 28 to 56 : 100 %

Work injuries/accidents

Day 28 to 56 100 % depending on length of working career

Info Contacts


PO Box 307
FIN-00531 Helsinki
Tel. + 358 (0) 20 77 4003
You can contact us in the following languages
English, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian