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This website provides concise information on wages, working conditions and rights of construction workers for all the European Countries in all the European languages. Construction workers can find useful links and contacts of trade unions representatives ready to help and support them in case of need.


Last updated on 9/17/2021
View all currencies in Euro (€)

Minimum gross wage

17,397.64 EUR to 20,190.6 EUR per year

Salary per category

17,397.64 EUR per year level xii: ordinary labourer
17,658.6 EUR per year level xi: specialized labourer/cat. 2 specialist
17,923.47 EUR per year level x: office assistant/cat. 1 specialist
18,192.32 EUR per year level ix: cat. 2 official
18,465.2 EUR per year level viii: cat. 1 official
18,742.16 EUR per year level vii: cat. 2 land surveyor/foreman
19,023.29 EUR per year level vi: cat. 1 land surveyor/professional specialist
19,308.63 EUR per year level v: general work supervisor
19,598.26 EUR per year level iv: general supervisor/industrial technician
19,892.22 EUR per year level iii: intermediate degree/diploma holders
20,190.6 EUR per year level ii: advanced graduates


Max 9 hours
Andalucía and Extremadura have a special summer working time: workers can only work in the morning


40 hours per week
1736 hours per year


80 hours per year except in cases of force majeure



If working day is at least 6 hours long
15 minutes

Special conditions

Porters, guards and watchmen
72 hours per week
Underground work
6 hours per day
35 hours per week

Within Spain

Travel allowance

if it is more than 15km away from the worker’s home or worker’s place of hiring.

Accommodation allowance

Full subsistence allowance : when, as a result of displacement, workers cannot stay overnight at their residences. the amount will be fixed by regional collective agreements.
Half allowance : at a distant workplace, to cover for lunch (if it is not provided by the company), when workers can go home at night. the amount will be fixed by regional collective agreements.


The employer must pay overtime at a higher rate than normal. The amount of overtime for each of the categories or levels is determined in collective agreements. Companies may compensate remuneration of overtime by equivalent rest periods

Night work

From 10:00 pm to 6:00 am
25 % of salary per hour if the evening work lasts more than four hours, the supplement will be paid as if the work lasted for the entire day.

Working on public holidays

Not mandatory
. The salary is not established.

Hazardous work

20 % of gross salary

Standby pay

Not applicable

Annual holidays allowance

Not applicable

13th month

Payable for calendar days as follows:
a) June allowance: from 1st January to 30th June.
b) Christmas allowance: from 1st July to 31st December.
Amount : according to level and category of the table of each collective agreement

Number of holidays

30 days per year 21 must be working days. the right to holidays is not subject to compensation.

Public holidays

12 national days
2 local days
1st and 6th January
1st May
15th August
12th October
1st November
6th, 8th and 25th December
Provincial collective agreements may include more days.

Social security contributions

1067.4 to 3,642 EUR per month for engineers and graduates
885.3 to 3,642 EUR per month for technicians, experts and qualified assistants of engineers
770.1 to 3,642 EUR per month for administrative managers
764.4 to 3,642 EUR per month for unqualified assistants
764.4 to 3,642 EUR per month for administrative officers
764.4 to 3,642 EUR per month for subaltern
764.4 to 3,642 EUR per month for administrative assistants
25.48 to 121.4 EUR per day for first and second category skilled workers
25.48 to 121.4 EUR per day for third category skilled workers and specialists
25.48 to 121.4 EUR per day for labourers
25.48 to 121.4 EUR per day for workers under eighteen
For posted workers
Posted workers pay social security contributions in the country of origin. However, depending on the country of origin, Spain has signed collaboration agreements on social security.

Additional social security insurance

Some company collective agreements contain clauses to pay a health insurance or pension plan. Some plans take contributions from employers only, other also allow for workers to contribute in a lower percentage.
For posted workers
If these clauses are included in the company agreement they are applicable to all workers: migrants and posted.

Income tax

Depending on family situation
For posted workers
Only for workers who pay social security contributions in Spain.


Day 1 to 3 : 0 %
Day 4 to 20 : 60 %
After 20 days 75 %
In almost all sectorial and company collective agreements these benefits are complemented by company contributions.

Work injuries/accidents

100 % following day of medical leave

Info Contacts

CCOO del Hábitat

Calle de Albasanz, 3. Bajo, 28037 Madrid
You can contact us in the following languages
English, French, Spanish

UGT FICA Federación de Industria, Construcción y Agro

Avenida de América, nº 25 - 5ª planta
Tel. +34 915 89 75 07
You can contact us in the following languages
Spanish, French, English