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This website provides concise information on wages, working conditions and rights of construction workers for all the European Countries in all the European languages. Construction workers can find useful links and contacts of trade unions representatives ready to help and support them in case of need.

Contact a trade union

In case you need assistance, help and/or information you can contact a Trade Union and they will be glad to assist you

Fédération Nationale des Salariés de la Construction, du Bois et de l’Ameublement CGT

263 rue de Paris
93514 Montreuil

Can help you in
English, French
Marina Mesure
Can help you in
Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch - English - Finnish - French - German - Italian - Polish - Portuguese - Romanian - Spanish

Fédération nationale Construction et Bois – CFDT

47/49 avenue Simon Bolivar
75950 Paris cedex 19

Tel. + 00 33 (0)1 56 41 55 60
Can help you in
Bulgarian, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian

FO Bâtiment, Bois, Papier, Carton, Céramique

Avenue Parmentier 170, CS 20006
75479 Paris Cedex 10

Tel. 0033142013000
Can help you in
English, French